Friday, October 14, 2011

Welcome to and From England

Hi everyone - we are the English part of the DEF blog. We are Outwood Academy Adwick and we are situated in a village north of the town of Doncaster in the north of England. Our Academy has more than 1200 students aged between 11 and 19 years old. We have really a smart uniform and our tutor groups are organised into what we call VMGs (Vertical Mentor Groups) - what this means is that in every tutor group there are students from every year group in the Academy so that each VMG feels a bit like a family. Each VMG is named after a different country and then we are organised into continents. We think that international links are very important and we have an international mascot - a teddy called Ofted who accompanies every international visit we make. We'll put some pictures of Ofted on the blog when we can. We are really looking forward to working with our partners in France and Denmark - so welcome and good wishes!!

Published by Mrs Robson and the English DEF team. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Velkommen fra Danmark!

Velkommen til vores fælles blog:  Danmark, England og Frankrig! Vi har oprettet denne blog for at kommunikere med hinanden, fortælle hinanden om vores land og region, vores kultur og vores dagligdag. Vi vil også gerne dele vores erfaringer med sprog og rejser.Det gør vi hovedsageligt  på engelsk, som er vores fælles sprog.
For at finde ud af hvem vi er, se under ”Who are we? (Hvem er vi?) til højre.

God fornøjelse!

Published by Mrs Naylor and her Danish DEF team.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bonjour de France !

Bienvenue sur notre blog collectif Danemark, Angleterre, France ! 
Nous avons créé ce blog pour pouvoir communiquer ensemble, échanger des informations sur nos pays, faire connaître notre environnement, notre culture, notre mode de vie, partager nos expériences linguistiques et de voyage. Nous communiquerons principalement en anglais, notre langue commune. 
Pour savoir qui nous sommes, lisez la rubrique "Who are we ?" (qui sommes-nous ?) sur le côté.
Bonne visite !

Published by Mrs Serdar from the French DEF team.